Pantifa girly-man with hammer and sickle cake

Image: We have met the enemy, and… (he? she?) is NOT us.

As the nationwide protests begin to succumb to their own inevitable, internal logic, Antifa declares an “autonomous zone” in 6 square blocks of Seattle:

Antifa now believes they own the captured area of Seattle, which they are calling the “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone,” and have set up barricades around the area and called for armed volunteers to guard the perimeter.

Emboldened by the lack of local, state, or federal action, the group has released an extensive list of social justice demands on Medium, including reparations for all “people of color,” the abolishment of the police department, rent control, and the release of violent criminals.

White protesters demanding money for black people. Where do they think it will come from? Smh.

All that “protesting” has made them hungry, too:

“The homeless people we invited took away all the food at the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone,” said a leftist on Twitter. “We need more food to keep the area operational. Please if possible bring vegan meat substitutes, fruits, oats, soy products, etc. – anything to help us eat.”

And thus the leftists run up against the first practical constraint of socialism, which is typically not addressed or admitted in any of its theories. If even the mighty Soviet empire could not solve this problem, I doubt a handful of Antifa can… but, let’s give them a few weeks and see.

Cartoon: Antifa idiot offended by US flag on his EBT card

Also as far as I know, there’s no data on whether, in a military action, a vegan diet is a very effective way to feed your troops. Hopefully for the “protesters.” they will not need to find out. (Our Historical Research Dept reports: there have been no Vegan Conquistadors.)

Meanwhile, the Tourism Minister of Ghana has a plan that is – in my opinion – far more workable than the one proposed by Antifa and white multiculturalists. Essentially, it is a Law of Return for African Americans, a return to the idea of “Black Zionism”:

Ghana, considered a gateway of the brutal slave trade to the United States that began more than 400 years ago, is urging “unwanted” Americans of African heritage to resettle within its borders in the wake of the police killing of Minnesota resident George Floyd.

During a memorial and wreath-laying ceremony in honor of Floyd last Friday, Ghana’s Minister of Tourism, Arts, and Culture Barbara Oteng-Gyasi invited African Americans to “re-settle in Ghana if they feel unwanted” in the United States, the Independent Ghana news outlet reported.

crowd in Ghana, holding flags

Since Ghana is only 3% white, emigrating blacks should face little or no discrimination or oppression there. Right?

Press reports however did not indicate whether the minister is aware of the result of mass colonization of Liberia by ex-slaves and other American blacks in the 19th century, which resulted in their seizing power from the locals, treating them as “inferior” and, basically, as I mentioned previously, engaging in racism that would make their “woke” descendants blush:

In Slaves to Racism: An Unbroken Chain from America to Liberia, Benjamin Dennis and Anita Dennis argue that the Americo-Liberians replicated the only society most of them knew: the racist culture of the American South. Believing themselves different from and culturally and educationally superior to the indigenous peoples, the Americo-Liberians developed as an elite minority that held on to political power. They treated the natives the way American whites had treated them: as inferiors. The natives could not vote and could not speak unless spoken to. Just as American Blacks were prohibited from marrying or having sexual relationships with white women, the natives could not marry Americo-Liberian women.

But maybe it will be different this time. After all, this time they have an invitation. Plus, they’re “woke,” which means that they have thrown off the “racist” white culture. As we know, racism (and its consequences – subjugation, imperial expansion, group competition etc.) is not a natural human trait, and does not exist outside of white countries – at least, not in any way that matters. This is why multiculturalism should work in America – in principle, as soon as white people stop behaving so badly.

Also, no word yet on whether, when they get to Ghana, American blacks will be able to demand reparations from Ghana or other African nations for selling their ancestors to white people. The moral calculus of all this remains unclear. Such demands seem inadvisable to make of any host country. But maybe what African Americans have learned in America is how to use “critical race theory” stories, rather than data or logic or other “white” or “bourgeois” methods, to gain power – at least from people who don’t know how (or, bewilderingly, refuse) to debunk their nonsense.

How are we supposed to avoid snickering at this stuff? I mean… these people appear to be serious in their statements, demands, etc. What do they think is going to happen? It really is as if, like one Twitter user said, we’re “living in a simulation.”

I guess I’m not convinced yet that the whole thing isn’t a media stunt, attended by about 20 people. As ZeroHedge reported (best coverage yet!) the Governor of Washington doesn’t even appear to have noticed.

Prediction: the entire American progressive Left is about to experience sudden death… by satire.

hate speech zone

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