Image: This snowflake majored in communications. Certain words, if uttered aloud, can cause it to melt.
Duquesne professor Gary Shank was fired for using the word “nigger” in a pedagogical context.
Apparently, “academic freedom” does not include the freedom to use words as one sees fit, even when discussing … words!
Shank’s sin was that he failed to “adequately prepare his class for a serious discussion of a highly offensive and inflammatory word.”
So… how do you “adequately prepare” snowflakes to hear a word? What does it mean to be “adequately prepared” to hear someone say something?
Think about what this means. People are being triggered by speech sounds. Meanwhile, this same “speech sound” is uttered constantly by blacks, over and over, all the time, including around white people.
Meaning, Shank’s students hear this word all the time. The black students likely say it all the time. In fact, most of the black students probably said it 15 minutes before class.
So what must Shank do, to “adequately prepare” people to hear a word that they hear all the time? Clearly, it’s only because the word is being uttered by a white man that it is offensive. The word itself is not offensive, since they are not offended by it when it is uttered by blacks.

Image: For fans of data analysis: which point on the graph has a slope most similar to the slope of the sharp uptick that begins in 2013? Peter Turchin, call your office.
Suppose Shank had said the following:
“Ok, snowflakes. I’m going to say a word now. It’s the ONLY WORD regarding race that we white people are not allowed to say. Black people can say it, but white people can’t. Do you know which word I’m referring to?
“It starts with N. I’m giving you permission to say it now, in this class, since we’re in a pedagogical context.
“Do you know which word I’m referring to?
“Imagine the word in your mind. Hear it. It starts with N. Can you hear it yet?
“It rhymes with ‘trigger,’ as in the sentence, ‘85% of the time when a black American is killed by a firearm, another black American pulled the trigger.’
“The word is…
“Are you ready?
“It rhymes with trigger…
“It starts with N…
“Are you ready?
Now, does anyone believe for a minute that this – or any other preparation – would be sufficient to avoid the childish outrage that ensued?
Does anyone believe that if Shank were black, he’d have been fired for saying it?
And this is at one of America’s premiere private universities.
Let’s just be honest. Shank’s real transgression was being “white.”